Saturday, April 05, 2008

Barbora's Favorite Things

yeah yeah... I copied Oprah so deal with it

Pigma Micron Pens 0.01

These fineliners not only provide a clear and fine line, but feature archival waterproof ink. Ideal for folks like yours truly, who have been known to spill water-bottles all over their journals.

MAC Eyeshadow

Alright, everyone knows that MAC is superior in providing a wicked spectrum of vibrant colour. But a lesser known fact is how long wearing this stuff is. Look, I do Bikram yoga, so I sweat hard. After a night of hardcore dance-floor destroying, a few wee hours of sleep, copious amounts of alcohol I have been known to show up to teach yoga class looking like I was ready for the golden globes....let's see L'Oreal do that. (not that I condone sleeping in make up)

And...during teary therapy sessions MAC always stays put and looks good as new as long as you dab, don't smudge.

Coconut Water

Electrolytes up the ying yang, this naturally delicious drink is delish after a hard workout...try it!!


phone, laptop, earphones, TV, tunes, laptop.... long story short I love apple. Bite me.

Nikon D40
My lightweight baby is so ideal for a pro shot in a heartbeat. Love this camera for shooting life's kodak moments.

MAC Lillacrush Lip Gelle

Lipgloss thats slippery not pucker up!!

NARS Minoii BodyGlow

There is a reason why the ancients lathered themselves in oil. Oil makes skin glisten in a way that makes lotion jealous. Not only that but lotion is full of synthetic stabilizers to keep it emulsified, leaving that slippery feeling as a result of your skins inability to absorb the junk. This dry oil not only absorbs better but smells like you want to jump between the sheets to boot.

more to come....

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