Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I love...

My students. It is so gratifying when someone genuinely tells you they've enjoyed your class, when people go out of their way to make it to your class. I simply cannot tell you how greatfull I feel. When I started to teach I questioned whether I would be able to comand respect within a class, but to be appreciated and enjoyed by students is a fantasy beyond my wildest dreams.

Though I must say this: learning people's names makes such a HUGE difference as an instructor. Since I got back from NY I've been making a conscious effort to learn every students nae in my classes. The value in learning a persons name, is that it builds a connection between teacher and student.
When you use a name you create an interaction, and that interaction can lead to better understanding of an individual, a relationship of sorts is instantly formed. I've enjoyed teaching in the last month more than ever, because of these relationships. I have shared more laughs with my students, more inside jokes and have helped and encouraged more people than in my past two years of teaching. I feel that I finally understand what it means to have a dialog between you and your students. I care about them, they care about me and we share with each other, my students pull me through class as much as I pull them through.

man...this love is forever.

1 comment:

chicken soup. said...

Woman, I just wanted to let you know that I linked you on my blog.


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