Thursday, May 15, 2008

A cure for the blue...

I have a strategy for when am upset about things... usually when I am in a terrible rut of a mood, I call Translink. I chose a bus I frequent, (usually the 19 because its always late) and I complain. There is something about the way that complaints department knows how to respond that just makes you feel like everything is going to be okay.

Today I have decided to add to my strategy.

Whenever I am depressed I am going to call hotels in Italy and make reservations. Sure, I will cancel within a day's time but, the experience! I've been calling hotels in Venice to book a room for Andrew and I. since its the weekend when we arrive, there is added urgency to find a great place for a greater price. What once seemed impossible to do under 400 Euro, seemed within reach once a few emails were sent out.

The first phone call I made was to Leo at the Hotel Bernardi "Si? Pronto!" He answered and I immediately melted to a puddle on the floor. I gathered myself quickly and made the correct arrangements. Still I thought I could get a better deal so I called Silvana at Hotel Marte, her cheery nature was contagious. She ended the conversation with an overjoyed "Perfecto!!.... Ciao, Ciao, Ciao!!" As if I had just told her she had won the lottery.

I'm still shaking with the joy of Italian... in reading Eat, Pray, Love once more I am beginning to realize and understand what prompted Liz Gilbert to go and study Italian and why she felt it could heal all her wounds...

Oh how I can't wait for Italy!!!

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